When Jesus Freed His Church of the Pope: The Evolution of the Church (1450-1648) – Gutenberg’s Press, Luther’s 95 Theses, The Reformation, The Peace at Augsburg, The Thirty Years’ War, and The Peace of Westphalia

While studying Clarence Larkin’s illustration – The Messages to the Seven Churches Compared with Church History – I noticed a milestone referencing the Peace at Westphalia.  Not sure I had ever heard of this before, I dug deeper to discover an amazing part of God’s governance over humanity and Christ over His Church. Continue reading When Jesus Freed His Church of the Pope: The Evolution of the Church (1450-1648) – Gutenberg’s Press, Luther’s 95 Theses, The Reformation, The Peace at Augsburg, The Thirty Years’ War, and The Peace of Westphalia

Understanding End Times Prophecy – Paul Benware Chapter Two, Part One – Contracts and Covenants

Since controlling agreements are required to hold autonomous individuals with differing goals and mindsets, it can be supposed there is no reason for Covenants or Contracts within the Godhead. All three Persons are of the same perfect mind. Continue reading Understanding End Times Prophecy – Paul Benware Chapter Two, Part One – Contracts and Covenants