Is the Bible you have today an exact copy of the original writings, or more so, is It true to the Spirit’s Intent?


Is the Bible you have today an exact copy of the original writings, or more so, is It true to the Spirit’s Intent?  Perhaps a good answer is while not a flawless reproduction, it is by God’s Volition, sufficient towards Salvation and edification. Continue reading Is the Bible you have today an exact copy of the original writings, or more so, is It true to the Spirit’s Intent?

Is God at Fault for Bad Behavior From His Church?

A Christian or a Pastor who misrepresent God is in error, and the recipient will have to choose to judge whether the God they describe is fair or is unfair. If we simply accept any representation of the God we have not investigated ourselves, we’re likely to be missing out on the most important issue any of us will face. It is always better to judge God first hand, for ourselves. Continue reading Is God at Fault for Bad Behavior From His Church?

God is Holy


God’s Holiness cannot be underestimated or underemphasized. This (RE)Cap installment will not be an attempt to consider God’s Holiness, but instead thoughts on why reconsidering His Holiness is imperative. Continue reading God is Holy

God is Love

We’ve all been schooled on the problems of ‘romantic love’, the idea that love centers around often blind, warm feelings. Is this a true basis of love? Perhaps not, if we look to the essential issue behind love – a willful commitment, per God’s law, to another who we have no expectation to repay us. Continue reading God is Love

God is Generous

This subject as a whole should burn in our souls, and it seems right to discuss it. Many have observed that we suffer a Post-Christian environment that threatens to strip us of our worship and joy in God, because it’s easy to gravitate to the more attractive parts of His story that this environment selectively promotes. Continue reading God is Generous

Father’s Character

What is more useful to understand about a person – his past actions in a given set of circumstances, or his overall character that resides behind his actions? The record of a person’s actions might be an indicator of his character, but knowing his actual character is far superior in predicting what he might do in circumstances that have not yet happened. Continue reading Father’s Character

God is Good

Most any Christian you ask will agree (confess) that God loves us, that He is Love, that love showed itself on the Cross. In the midst of good fortune, we often hear about His blessings. During the hard times the common anthem is “He has a plan”. Continue reading God is Good

How we Change

Stepping into the Family is the beginning, but we begin a long walk of realization, of His progressively showing us the things in us that interfere with this close relationship He intends for us to have with our Holy Father. This requires change in us, not on the surface but at the ‘heart’ level. Continue reading How we Change

Fear and Fortitude


I realized that the contrary views of my whole life and my actions have been largely based upon (avoiding) the fears of discomfort – loss of provision, bruised pride, disrespect, harm. In response, I have looked to excel at the barriers to the things that cause those discomforts. The problem is, aside from being sinful, these preventative barriers are horrible taskmasters. Continue reading Fear and Fortitude

Our Biblical Tapestry

A tapestry is woven, and there are many different sorts of threads which run through it. If you imagine looking up close and tugging on an individual thread, you might also imagine seeing where else that thread runs through the tapestry. Studying the Bible, especially by reference, is illustrated in this way too. Continue reading Our Biblical Tapestry