Is Man’s sin intended or unintended?


Is Man’s sin intended or unintended?

Is Man’s sin intended or unintended?  Is it intended or unintended by God?  By Man?

Sin in a correct tense is intended by God, so to speak, while often unintended by the sinner. As well, God commands not to sin, and we willingly commit it. The two parties are related in regards to sin, but separate in that the Sovereign sees and commands all, while mere men can barely see beyond themselves.

It’s easy to forget, but Mankind and God, in their roles, are not competing spheres of influence.  While each has influence respectively, Mankind is overarched and encapsulated within God’s sphere.  Sin abounds when we forget this.

The issue of whom – God or Man – is responsible for the sin Man commits can be clouded the same way.  Surely God is Sovereign, and surely Man stands to be weighed by God for his conduct.  But, if we can acknowledge that Man has a genuine autonomy in his sphere under the sphere of God, the issues of our culpability under a true Sovereign works out.

If we are granted sailing boats (our sphere of responsibility and existence) by God, and God owns us/the boat/water/planet, and He says to us “Use your boat as I intend, in the environment I alone provide” – can’t He propel us/sink us/protect us?  Can’t we choose to ignore Him/defy Him/obey Him?  Can’t He hold us responsible for all of our choices and actions as sovereigns of our spheres as He is Sovereign over the whole?

I believe this answers the intended/not intended sin question.  The problem is that this isn’t a two-faceted, either/or question between two equal footings, but instead a subordinate/subset sphere operating within a Complete sphere.

I marvel at the daring approach God has taken with Man.  As Sovereign, He could have exercised His singular control over us and forced us through the paces to achieve His Goals.  Instead, He has deemed all things under Him must obey in lockstep – except Man.  We are the only thing in Creation that He allows to defy Him.  Why?  I think it’s because His chosen approach far better demonstrates His Attributes.  Which is a better show of wisdom, skill, love, and sovereignty – An animal led by the nose to the destination, or a self-interested free-range animal beckoned and compelled to that same end?  God is undertaking the incredible – the calling and drawing of dumb sheep into the Pen, who would otherwise ignore Him/defy Him/hate Him.

God has created an environment that allows sin, and people who are free to choose whether to sin or not.  We are sometimes aware of the sin and consequences, sometimes not.  God is free to allow our Enemy to incite us to sin, and free to keep us from it.  He sees the whole in absolute truth, we at best see through a glass dimly.  Is our sin intended or unintended?  I believe it depends on the circumstances.