Saturday 9/25/19 notes
‘Headwaters of the Generations’
Scripture explains the First and the Second Adams. The first proceeded all mankind to follow, and was shown to have a particular role in his responsibility before God – See the Genesis 3.14-19, and 3.22 – “Behold the man has become…” While Eve was first to the Fruit, Adam is God’s focus in his responsibility. It is through the man that sin and the propensity we are born with passes to the next generation. This is why none of us can escape it – by the time we are created then born, the die is already cast.
The only way this cycle could be escaped was through a father who was not of Adam’s line and was without the sin to be passed on. And, the Christ would also be a human to be eligible to be our High Priest. Add in that this Person would also need to be God and do everything He does. Thus, the Holy Ghost fathered the Christ through a human, Mary. Therefore, he would fulfill all of the parts necessary.
Christ brought a New Covenant that requires us to die and be reborn in His Line. The only way we can be released of the Law as an Adamic descendant is to be spiritually removed from the original Covenant, much the same way as a wife is held to her covenant with her husband until one of them dies (1 Cor 7.39). This person now in Christ is relieved of his obligation to the Law as he was born under Adam’s generation, and transferred to an obligation under Christ’s Covenant, under Christ’s generation. He is a new creation.
The generations to follow both Adam and Christ are bound by their predecessor’s spiritual parentage, and both generations will reap the consequences.