The Inerrancy of the Bible

Critics argue that proof for the Bible’s inerrancy is based upon circular reasoning.  How would you answer this argument?

I believe my job is to explain God to you as clearly as I can, hopefully convincing you to look for Him yourself.  In the end, if you will find Jesus and embrace Him, it will only be because He has called you Himself.  I cannot make that happen, and neither can you.  The most I can do is bring you to the foot of His Cross and point you towards your own introduction to Him.

I believe the Bible is the faithful compilation of everything God intends for us to hear from Him.  I have studied Its origins, Its interconnectedness and continuity of theme, Its successful impact on people’s lives (including my own), and examples of archeological and historical proofs.  In the end, I realized that even if I were to hold the original texts upon the parchments which Moses and Paul wrote, I would still be faced with the same issue.  I must choose whether to believe It, or not.

You question the validity of the Bible because it refers to Itself.  One reason I believe the Bible is because it wonderfully references Itself.  Jesus pointed to all of the ancient texts which referred to Him, as proof of His Deity.  I think that by your reference that would be circular logic, but in having faith that would be called prophesy fulfilled.

The Bible is called the Word of God, Jesus is called the Word of God revealed in flesh to us, and we are told that we will only find belief through faith in them both.  My faith, once established, showed me the tapestry of the Bible like I never could see it with eyes lacking faith.  If you do not believe the Bible, I can understand that, because you do not have faith.  However, without that faith, you will never see the Bible or Jesus for what they are.  Only God can give this faith, if you will only ask for it.

My suggestion to you, if you genuinely want to get to the bottom of the issue, is this – without bias, seek God in the way He says he can be found, and see if He responds.  See if you find Him.  If you truly endeavor to pursue the truth, and He shows up, then you have your answer.  If He doesn’t, then the rest of us would be wrong.  I believe He will come through, once again.